Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category

Thanks Cuz..

July 25, 2010

This from my cousin’s FB feed:

Children with special needs don’t have an illness, so there is no cure and it’s not-contagious. They want what we all want – to be accepted. Most of you probably won’t copy and paste this. Could you do it and leave it on your status for at least an hour? It’s Special Education week, and this…is in honor of all the kids who need a little extra help and understanding.

Reality Hunger

May 5, 2010

Not that I could afford it but I purchased a second copy of Reality Hunger by David Shields to replace the one I lost in a Toronto Starbucks. This copy, not even two weeks old is filled with my thoughts, drawings and glued in collage elements now resembles more of a journal that a published work of another artist. I respect this work enough to unapologetically steal from it, write into it, over it and otherwise attempt to completely assimilate its contents. Today I actually realized that I started to paint this book – again. What that means is that I have always, when I am honest in my painting, been painting this book (sometimes literally).   

Some dead guy’s painting sold for 106 million. It’s just a baseball card at this point, really.

Kite at 4:00 a.m.

April 2, 2010